[UAI] UAI and double blind reviews

From: Robert P. Goldman (goldman@htc.honeywell.com)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 15:45:57 PST

  • Next message: Subbarao Kambhampati: "Re: [UAI] UAI and double blind reviews"

    >>>>> "SP" == Smets Philippe <psmets@ulb.ac.be> writes:

        SP> At Queen Victoria time, the British Parliament passed a law
        SP> making illegal the homosexuality between male partners. Why
        SP> only male, and not female? Because making illegal the
        SP> homosexuality between females partners requires first to
        SP> acknowledge that such a thing could exist, an idea totally
        SP> unacceptable at that time.

        SP> To establish a double blind review system requires first to
        SP> acknowledge that reviewers might be dishonest. Is that
        SP> acceptable?

    Or even worse: the reviewers might be Queen Victoria!


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