#ifndef GLSLPROGRAM_CPP #define GLSLPROGRAM_CPP #include #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif //inline int GetOSU( int flag ) //{ //int i; //glGetIntegerv( flag, &i ); //return i; //} void CheckGlErrors( const char* ); #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #undef GEOMETRY #undef TESSELLATION #undef COMPUTE #else #include "glew.h" #include #include //******************************************************************************** // #define this to allow this to accept geometry shaders: #define GEOMETRY //******************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************** // #define this to allow this to accept tessellation shaders: #define TESSELLATION //******************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************** // #define this to allow this to accept compute shaders: #define COMPUTE //******************************************************************************** #endif #include "glut.h" #include #include //******************************************************************************** // #define this to allow this to accept glm uniform variables: #define GLM // i'm assuming that this code is #include'ed into the application code and that the // glm #includes are in that application program before this code is #included. // if they're not, then these lines will be needed here: #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS #include "glm/vec2.hpp" #include "glm/vec3.hpp" #include "glm/mat3x3.hpp" #include "glm/mat4x4.hpp" #include "glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp" #include "glm/gtc/matrix_inverse.hpp" #include "glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp" // //******************************************************************************** // shader types: enum ShaderTypes { VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE, FRAGMENT_SHADER_TYPE, GEOMETRY_SHADER_TYPE, TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_TYPE, TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_TYPE, COMPUTE_SHADER_TYPE }; class GLSLProgram { private: std::map AttributeLocs; #ifdef COMPUTE char * Cfile; unsigned int Cshader; #endif char * Ffile; unsigned int Fshader; #ifdef GEOMETRY char * Gfile; unsigned int Gshader; #endif bool IncludeGstap; GLuint Program; #ifdef TESSELLATION char * TCfile; unsigned int TCshader; char * TEfile; unsigned int TEshader; #endif std::map UniformLocs; bool Valid; char * Vfile; GLuint Vshader; bool Verbose; static int CurrentProgram; void AttachShader( GLuint ); bool CanDoComputeShaders; bool CanDoFragmentShaders; bool CanDoGeometryShaders; bool CanDoTessellationShaders; bool CanDoVertexShaders; int CompileShader( GLuint ); bool CreateHelper( char *, ... ); int GetAttributeLocation( char * ); int GetUniformLocation( char * ); public: GLSLProgram( ); bool Create( char *, char * = NULL, char * = NULL, char * = NULL, char * = NULL, char * = NULL ); void DisableVertexAttribArray( const char * ); void EnableVertexAttribArray( const char * ); void Init( ); bool IsExtensionSupported( const char * ); bool IsNotValid( ); bool IsValid( ); void SetAttributePointer3fv( char *, float * ); void SetAttributeVariable( char *, int ); void SetAttributeVariable( char *, float ); void SetAttributeVariable( char *, float, float, float ); void SetAttributeVariable( char *, float[3] ); void VertexAttrib3f( const char *, float, float, float ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, int ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, float ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, float, float, float ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, float[3] ); #ifdef GLM void SetUniformVariable( char *, glm::vec3 ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, glm::vec4 ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, glm::mat3 ); void SetUniformVariable( char *, glm::mat4 ); #endif void SetVerbose( bool ); void UnUse( ); void Use( ); void Use( GLuint ); void UseFixedFunction( ); }; #endif // #ifndef GLSLPROGRAM_CPP